
Istio supports distributed tracing using either the Zipkin or Jaeger format. Using an OpenTelemetry Collector, you can configure it to receive the Jaeger or Zipkin data and export it to Honeycomb using the OTLP format.

How it works

Istio supports distributed tracing and it can send that telemetry data to Honeycomb. To properly trace all services in your system, you must ensure that you are forwarding tracing headers from your apps so that Istio can inject the correct tracing information as requests are made and received.

Istio can be configured to display Envoy proxy performance in your service mesh traces. Users of Honeycomb’s Service Map feature can see Envoy proxies displayed as a part of their service to service topology.



Honeycomb Documentation for Istio

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Istio Documentation for Trace Propogation

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Honeycomb Documentation for Service Map

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