Webinars OpenTelemetry Observability Instrumentation

Honeycomb OpenTelemetry User Group


Users. Fans. Experts. Evangelists.

Instrumenting your code is a foundational step when starting your observability journey. But it’s all too common for proprietary instrumentation solutions to create vendor lock-in, where migration becomes too frustrating and time-consuming to consider. Instead, you can set up your instrumentation once and have the power to use your telemetry data anywhere you see fit. With OpenTelemetry, you can avoid common vendor traps and get the observability you deserve.

OpenTelemetry is the most useful way to instrument your applications for observability. But to get the most from OpenTelemetry, hearing from engineering teams like yours can help you avoid common implementation pitfalls.

Learn about successful adoption patterns from Honeycomb customers during this virtual engineering discussion with Mike Goldsmith, Telemetry Engineer-Honeycomb that covers emergent practices and provides actionable advice.

You’ll learn about:

- Technosocial experiences within the org
- The problems OpenTelemetry can solve & how to get started
- Pitfalls encountered and overcoming roadblocks
- Tips on managing custom instrumentation
- How Honeycomb supports your use of OpenTelemetry

Let OpenTelemetry with Honeycomb be the foundation for your observability success.