Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Introducing Honeycomb’s Microsoft Teams Integration for Enhanced Alert Management

By Natalie Friedman  |   Last modified on December 12, 2023

Today marks an exciting milestone at Honeycomb, and we're thrilled to share it with you. We officially launched our integration with Microsoft Teams, a step forward in our continuous effort to streamline and enhance your observability experience. Teams now joins our growing list of over 100 Honeycomb integrations.

Why Microsoft Teams?

In our journey to make your data more accessible and actionable, we recognize the importance of integrating with tools that you already use and love. Microsoft Teams is the most popular tool for workplace communication, bringing together chat, meetings, calling, and collaboration. By integrating Honeycomb with Microsoft Teams, we're ensuring that your team stays connected with your system behavior in real time, no matter where you are.

What's new?

Trigger alerts in Teams: Our new integration allows you to send Honeycomb trigger alerts directly into Microsoft Teams. This means that whenever you activate a trigger in Honeycomb, your team instantly receives a notification in the designated Teams channel. It's about getting the right information to the right people at the right time.

SLO burn rate alerts: Keeping an eye on your Service Level Objectives (SLOs) is crucial. Now, you can receive SLO burn alerts directly in Microsoft Teams. This feature ensures that your team is immediately informed of any potential service issues, so you can act swiftly.

Microsoft Teams Integration with Honeycomb.

Getting started

Integrating Honeycomb with Microsoft Teams is easy. Simply visit the Integrations tab on the Team Settings page, and select “Add New Integration” to set up. Visit our Documentation for more in-depth assistance. 

We’d love to hear from you

As always, we're committed to supporting you as you integrate Honeycomb into your daily workflows. If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team, or in our Pollinators Slack community


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