Jessica Kerr at Chattanooga DevOpsDays

Your Distributed System is Talking to You: OpenTelemetry

Thanks for coming! Here are some useful links:

  • PDF of slides

  • Chattanooga DevOpsDays logo, in a Honeycomb heatmap

    If you want to make a heatmap of the DevOpsDays Chattanooga logo, follow the instructions at this happy-o11ydays repository to make a free Honeycomb account and export your API key. When you run the program, pass it the configuration:

    ./run input/daily-dev/config.json

    Visit the link output after “Oh, and I drew a picture:” to see the logo in the heatmap.

    Down at the bottom of the README, find instructions for using your own PNG. If you have problems, create an issue, or email me at

    If you have questions about observability or anything really, I’d love to chat for half an hour. Schedule some office hours.