The buzz continues! Join Honeycomb for part two of our roadshow: Melbourne, London, NYC, and SF.

LeadDev Live 2021

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Check out our recent blog posts

Always. Enable. Keepalives.

As part of our recent failure testing project, we ran into an interesting failure mode involving the OpenTelemetry SDK for Go. In this post, we’ll show you why our apps stopped sending telemetry for over 15 minutes and how we enabled keepalives to prevent this kind of failure from happening in the future.

Deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector to AKS
Deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector to AKS

The Collector is the focal point for telemetry inside your cluster. Instead of your containerized applications sending directly to your OpenTelemetry-capable backend (the place that allows you to ask questions of your telemetry), we send that data to an internal location first, then forward the data on.

Apdex in Honeycomb
Apdex in Honeycomb

“How is my app performing?” is one of the most common, yet hardest questions to answer. There are myriad ways to measure this, like error rate, average response time, and so on. Enter the Application Performance Index (aka Apdex), a single metric that attempts to answer, “Are my application’s users happy?”