
Category: Software Engineering

Software Engineering   Culture  

The CoPE and Other Teams, Part 1: Introduction & Auto-Instrumentation

The CoPE is made to affect, meaning change, how things work. The disruption it produces is a feature, not a bug. That disruption pushes things...

Software Engineering   Dogfooding  

Destroy on Friday: The Big Day 🧨 A Chaos Engineering Experiment - Part 2 

In my last blog post, I explained why we decided to destroy one third of our infrastructure in production just to see what would happen....

Teams & Collaboration   Software Engineering   Culture  

What Makes for a 'Good' Pair Programming Session?

Software changes so rapidly that developing on the cutting edge of it cannot fall to a single person. When it comes to asynchronously disseminating information...

Software Engineering   Dogfooding  

Deploy on Friday? How About Destroy on Friday! A Chaos Engineering Experiment - Part 1

We recently took a daring step to test and improve the reliability of the Honeycomb service: we abruptly destroyed one third of the infrastructure in...

Software Engineering   Culture  

Staffing Up Your CoPE

Getting the right people working in the CoPE is crucial to success because these change agents must limber up the organization and promote the flexibility...

Software Engineering   Observability  

Navigating Software Engineering Complexity With Observability

In the not-too-distant past, building software was relatively straightforward. The simplicity of LAMP stacks, Rails, and other well-defined web frameworks provided a stable foundation. Issues...

Software Engineering  

Investigating Mysterious Kafka Broker I/O When Using Confluent Tiered Storage

Earlier this year, we upgraded from Confluent Platform 7.0.10 to 7.6.0. While the upgrade went smoothly, there was one thing that was different from previous...

Software Engineering   Culture  

Independent, Involved, Informed, and Informative: The Characteristics of a CoPE

In part one of our CoPE series, we analogized the CoPE with safety departments. David Woods says that those safety departments must be: independent, involved,...

Software Engineering   Culture  

Establishing and Enabling a Center of Production Excellence

Software is in a crisis. This is nothing new. Complex distributed systems are perpetually in a state far from equilibrium, operating in what Richard Cook...

Software Engineering  

Simulation Theory, Observability, and Modern Software Practices

The 1981 book Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard is widely read and cited within academic circles but also permeates popular culture, influencing films, literature,...

Software Engineering   Monitoring  

What Is Application Performance Monitoring?

Application performance monitoring, also known as APM, represents the difference between code and running software. You need the measurements in order to manage performance....

Software Engineering   Observability  

Where Does Honeycomb Fit in the Software Development Lifecycle?

The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is always drawn as a circle. In many places I’ve worked, there’s no discernable connection between “5. Operate” and “1....

Teams & Collaboration   Software Engineering  

Product Managing to Prevent Burnout

I’ve been thinking about a risk that—if I'm not careful—could severely hinder my team's ability to ship on time, celebrate success, and continue work after...

Software Engineering  

What Do Developers Need to Know About Kubernetes, Anyway?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: you just pushed and deployed your latest change to production, and it’s rolling out to your Kubernetes...

Software Engineering  

What Happens to DevOps when the Kubernetes Adrenaline Rush Ends?

Kubernetes has been around for nearly 10 years now. In the past five years, we’ve seen a drastic increase in adoption by engineering teams of...

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