
Category: HoneyBytes

Metrics   HoneyBytes  

HoneyByte: Using Application Metrics With Prometheus Clients

Have you ever deep dived into the sea of your tracing data, but wanted additional context around your underlying system? For instance, it may be...

Sampling   HoneyBytes  

HoneyByte: Test Out Refinery Yourself!

This HoneyByte walks through how to get Refinery running locally to try out different configuration options and sampling methods....

Operations   Monitoring   HoneyBytes  

HoneyByte: Kubernetes + Honeycomb

The new Honeycomb Kubernetes agent is out! This post describes how infrastructure metrics contribute to observability, and then walks you through the steps to start...

Sampling   HoneyBytes   Events  

HoneyByte: Get a Taste for Sampling

Honeycomb's event-based pricing model is pretty simple: we only care about how many events you send. For teams running workloads at scale, the question becomes:...

Observability   Instrumentation   HoneyBytes  

HoneyByte: Incremental Instrumentation Beyond the Beeline

"It turns out," said Liz, "it was not a giant pile of work to start adding those rich instrumentation spans as you need them." Liz...

Observability   HoneyBytes   Customer Stories  

HoneyByte: Make a Beeline Toward Observability Just Like DEV’s Molly Struve

“When things broke,” Molly explained, “you’re mad scrambling—jumping from website to website to website, trying to put the pieces together.” Molly was able to use...