
Category: Ask Miss O11y

Service Level Objectives   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Pls ELI5 TLAs like PRO, SRE, and SLOs!

Dear Miss O11y, I'm confused by all of the Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) that have started popping up lately. This week, I got an email...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Do I Need Observability If My Stack Is Boring?

Observability came out of microservices and cloud-native, right? If you have a simpler architecture, does o11y matter?” — this question came up during recent office...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Making Sense of OpenTelemetry: Who’s There? The Resource.

I’m adding instrumentation code to my app. To set it up, I have to create a Resource. What does that mean? What can I do...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: OpenTelemetry in the Front End: Tracing Across Page Load

We want to measure the time that a user waits between pushing a button and seeing their result. The examples for creating a trace span...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Making Sense of OpenTelemetry—Context

“What is up with the Context in OpenTelemetry? Why do I need to mess with it at all? Why, when I set a span as...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Making Sense of OpenTelemetry—Tracer and TracerProvider

“There’s a lot to understand in OpenTelemetry; for instance, what is the difference between a Tracer and a TracerProvider? How should I use them?” OpenTelemetry...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Observability vs BI Tools & Data Warehouses

You probably have already answered this before, but do you have a good rule of thumb for where o11y [observability] ends and BI [business intelligence]/data...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Pre-production Environments

Should we build and run the full observability stack in pre-prod? How much realism vs. waiting for prod? Answer: Yes. You absolutely want observability in...

Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Long-Running Requests

Dear Miss O11y, How do I think about instrumenting and setting service-level objectives (SLOs) on streaming RPC workloads with long-lived connections? We won't necessarily have...

Instrumentation   Databases   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: How Can I Add o11y to Databases?

How do we bring observability to the DB world? In the SQL Server world, you can marry up perfmon and extended event traces but is...

Instrumentation   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y, Holiday Edition

Hey Miss O11y, what’s your favorite thing about Christmas? Ooh, good question! My favorite thing about this part of the year is that work slows...

Service Level Objectives   Sampling   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Load Testing With Fidelity

Dear Miss O11y, My developers and I can't agree about what the right approach is for running load tests in production. Should we even be...

Tracing   Best Practices   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Tracing Is for Async, Too

I have a good sense of how to use traces to understand my system’s behavior within request/response cycles. What about multi-request processes? What about async...

Instrumentation   Best Practices   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Mapping Out Your Observability Journey

Dear Miss O11y: It feels so overwhelming to get started with observability. I want to use Honeycomb, but it feels like I can't justify spending...

Teams & Collaboration   Best Practices   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: I Don't Want to Be On Call Anymore. Am I a Monster?

“Can a subject matter expert ever step down?” Have you written anything about how to solve the ‘nobody wants to be on-call as a subject matter expert...

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