
Category: Product Updates

Product Updates  

Heatmaps Are The New Hotness*

Heatmaps are a visualization that shows the statistical distribution of the values in a dataset column over time. Each column of squares in the below...

Product Updates   Observability   Connectors & Integrations  

Using the Golang Pprof Web UI to Debug Memory Usage

Golang as an Observability Tool Go, for good reason, has become an incredibly popular language for everything from web applications to DevOps tools. We lean...

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Announcing the Honeycomb AWS Elastic Load Balancer Integration

In the modern DevOps / SRE world, one of the most important things to get a clear picture of is what’s happening in between your...

Product Updates   Observability  

Introducing the New Honeycomb Quick Start

Today we are pleased to announce the release of the new Honeycomb Quick Start to help you in your quest to become an observability master....

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Honeycomb <3 Kubernetes Observability

Introducing the Honeycomb Kubernetes Agent and ksonnet integration We’re excited to release the Honeycomb Kubernetes Agent. The agent provides a flexible way to aggregate, structure,...

Product Updates  

Markers: Observe your systems and your humans

Honeycomb provides a powerful tool to ask questions about your systems, but your systems and users aren’t the only agents for chaos in your organization....

Product Updates  

Introducing Derived Columns

We’re excited to introduce derived columns! Derived columns let you run queries based on the value of an expression that’s computed from the columns in...

Product Updates  

Filtering in Context: Get Your Investigation On

File under: little things that go a long way. By popular demand, right click and filter! Stay in context Filtering via right click keeps you...

Product Updates  

Stacked Graphs in Honeycomb!

The most common visualization for time series data is the line graph. Seeing each group as an independent line can make it very easy to...

Product Updates  

Save Useful Queries with Honeycomb Playlists

Update: this feature is now called Boards but functions the same way–check out “Sharing Honeycomb queries is even better with Boards” for the details Here...

Product Updates   Observability   Debugging   Connectors & Integrations  

Tell me more, nginx

When the cool kids talk about interesting log data, no one seems to want to talk about nginx. Web servers are the workhorses of the...

Product Updates   Operations   Monitoring  

Honeycomb Triggers - Alert on your Data

We’re happy to announce the launch of Honeycomb Triggers—a method to get notifications when the data you send in to Honeycomb crosses configured thresholds. We’d...

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Enriching Nginx Logs with request_time, Server Data, and Other Goodies

How can you make your nginx logs more awesome? Nginx has some fantastic data hiding in its log_format spec, but oddly enough, most of it...

Product Updates   Connectors & Integrations  

Honeycomb's Open Source Connectors

We’re happy to announce 3 open sourced components to help you get your data into Honeycomb - 2 libraries and a log tailing utility. We...

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