
Category: Observability

Software Engineering   Observability  

The New Best Engineer

If you make a habit of reading twitter or the writings of various thought lords and ladies of the internet, you’ve probably heard a lot...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Sam Stokes talks about data infrastructure on the Data Engineering Podcast

This past week, Honeycomb engineering manager Sam Stokes was interviewed on the Data Engineering Podcast, and in addition to hearing him talk a little about...

Security   Observability  

Security Through Observability

Observability is great for understanding the ramifications of your system. In brief, massively distributed application stacks demand more sophisticated tools than traditional metrics/monitoring, because engineers...

Software Engineering   Observability  

Oncall and Sustainable Software Development

Yes, being on call typically and anecdotally sucks. I understand! If you’ve heard me speak, I often point out that I’ve been oncall since I...

Observability   Logging   Guests  

Structured Logging and Your Team

This guest blog post from Anton Drukh of is part of our series on structured logging. From 1 service to over 50 today We...

Observability   News & Announcements  

Raising Money To Bring You More, Better Observability!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve closed an $11.5M Series A round with our friends at, Storm, NextWorld, and Merian! It’s been a wild...

Observability   Logging   Instrumentation   Events  

How to Use NLog for Structured Logging

We’re grateful for this guest post from Tim Wilde! You can find the source code for the examples he uses in his github repo. Strings...

Observability   Debugging  

Honeycombers at Influx Days (a late-ish report)

I finally got a chance to sit down and watch Emily and Christine’s talks from last November’s InfluxDays and right off the bat I have...

Product Updates   Observability   Logging  

New Custom Regex Log Ingestion

Unstructured text logs are so last decade, but sometimes you have to deal with them because they aren’t actually all that prehistoric in human years…or...

Observability   Instrumentation   Events  

Best Practices for Observability

Observability has been getting a lot of attention recently. What started out as a fairly obscure technical term, dragged from the dusty annals of control...

Observability   Instrumentation  

Instrumenting browser page loads at Honeycomb

Update: We now have a browser js guide with practical tips on how to send browser data to Honeycomb. “Nines don’t matter if users aren’t...

Observability   Metrics  

Metrics: not the observability droids you're looking for

I went to Monitorama last year for my first time. It was great; I had a terrific time. But I couldn’t help but notice how...

Observability   Debugging  

Bitten by a Kafka Bug - Postmortem

Dearest honeycombers, Yesterday, on Tuesday, Oct 17th, we experienced a partial service outage for some customers, and a small amount of data was dropped during...

Observability   Logging   Instrumentation   Events  

You Could Have Invented Structured Logging

Sometimes we hear from folks who are a little bit intimidated by the notion of structured logging. Some common issues: There’s no approachable library for...

Observability   Instrumentation   Dogfooding  

How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 6: Instrumenting a Production Service

This post continues our dogfooding series from How Honeycomb Uses Honeycomb, Part 5: The Correlations Are Not What They Seem. In a recent blog post,...

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