
Category: Tracing

Tracing   Logging   Customer Stories  

Confidently Shifting from Logs-Centric to a Unified Trace-First Approach: Ritchie Bros. Journey to Modern Observability

Transitioning from a monolithic system to a cloud-native microservices environment, Ritchie Bros. sought to modernize their observability infrastructure to support the transition and fuel future...

Tutorials   Tracing   Databases  

How to Use Relational Fields: Some Nifty Use Cases

We recently introduced relational fields, a new feature that allows you to query spans based on their relationship to each other within a trace. This...

Tracing   Customer Stories  

Start with Traces, not with Logs: How Honeycomb Helped Massdriver Reduce Alert Fatigue

Before Massdriver, Dave worked in product engineering where he was constantly bogged down with DevOps toil. He spent his time doing everything except what he...

Tracing   OpenTelemetry  

Infinite Retention with OpenTelemetry and Honeycomb 

Honeycomb is massively powerful at delivering detailed answers from the last several weeks of system telemetry within seconds. It keeps you in the flow state...


Trace Propagation and Public API Endpoints in .NET: Part 1 (Disable All)

One of the issues with the W3C trace context is that it doesn’t define any standards for how far a trace is to propagate. If...


Exotic Trace Shapes

OpenTelemetry and Beelines were designed with assumptions about the types of traffic that most users would trace. Based on these assumptions, web application and API...

Tracing   Software Engineering  

How Traceloop Leverages Honeycomb and LLMs to Generate E2E Tests

At Traceloop, we’re solving the single thing engineers hate most: writing tests for their code. More specifically, writing tests for complex systems with lots of...

Tracing   Metrics   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: To Metric or to Trace?

Dear Miss O11y, I remember reading quite interesting opinions from you about usage of metrics and traces in an application. Did you elaborate on those...

Tracing   Customer Stories  

How Coveo Reduced User Latency and Mean Time to Resolution with Honeycomb Observability

When you’re just getting started with observability, a proof of concept (POC) can be exactly what you need to see the positive impact of this...


Understanding Distributed Tracing with a Message Bus

So you're used to debugging systems using a distributed trace, but your system is about to introduce a message queue—and that will work the same…...


How 3 Companies Implemented Distributed Tracing for Better Insight into Their Systems

Distributed tracing enables you to monitor and observe requests as they flow through your distributed systems to understand whether these requests are behaving properly. You...


3 Easy Ways to Get Started With Distributed Tracing

We’re here to show you three ways you can jumpstart a distributed tracing effort, starting small and expanding as it makes sense. These examples involve...

Tracing   Debugging  

We Learn Systems by Changing Them

In the social world, there is no outside: we participate in the systems we study. I’ve noticed this in code: when I come to an...

Tracing   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Not Your Aunt’s Tracing

Dear Miss O11y, How is modern observability using tracing, such as Honeycomb, different from the previous distributed tracing software I'm familiar with, like Dapper, at...

Tracing   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Baggage in OTel

Miss O11y is delighted to welcome our newest band member: Martin Thwaites! Martin has been a member of the Honeycomb user community practically since its...

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