
Category: Observability

Software Engineering   Operations   Observability  

How To Make Your Customers Happy, with Eaze

"Success is a catastrophe that you have to survive." -- CJ Silverio A couple of weeks ago I had the great pleasure of hosting CJ...


So You Want To Build An Observability Tool...

I've said this before, but I'm saying it again: observability is not a synonym for monitoring, and there are no three pillars. The pillars are...

Software Engineering   Observability   Logging  

The Path from Unstructured Logs to Observability

Are you starting out on your journey toward observability? Do you have a mandate from management, or are you a lone warrior in the matrix?...


Notes from Observability Roundtables: Capabilities Deep-dive

Greetings, fellow o11ynaut! You may recall a post we shared here about two months ago that told tales of the themes we felt best represented...


Notes from Observability Roundtables

The Velocity conference happened recently, and as part of it we (Honeycomb) hosted a sort of reverse-panel discussion, where you talked, and we listened. You...

Observability   Metrics  

Building Your Observability Practice with Tools that Co-exist

A lot of product marketing is about telling people to throw away what they have in favor of something entirely new. Sometimes that is the...

Software Engineering   Observability  

Velocity (& Reliability) - Two must-haves for every software engineering team

(Field notes from O’Reilly’s Velocity 2019 Show, San Jose.) It was steamy hot in San Jose during O’Reilly’s Velocity show and the normally frigid AC...

Observability   Monitoring  

Reflections on Monitorama 2019

This year was my third in a row attending (and now speaking at!) Monitorama. Because the organizers do a great job of turning introverts into...

Software Engineering   Operations   Observability  

Toward a Maturity Model for Observability

Access to observability is becoming critical to organizations shipping software, running modern infrastructures in production, and to understanding how users are experiencing their service. To...

Tracing   Observability   Dogfooding  

Tracing and Observability for Background Jobs

Illuminating the under-loved with Honeycomb Most modern web apps end up sprouting some subset of tasks that happen in the “background”, i.e., when a user...

Tracing   Observability   Metrics   Logging   Events  

Metric Analysis, Application Performance Monitoring, and Log Management: Where Does Honeycomb Fit In?

If you’re involved in improving the performance of your application, you’ve probably heard about application performance monitoring (APM), metric analysis, and log management. But you...

Observability   Metrics   Logging  

How Much Should My Observability Stack Cost?

What should one pay for observability? What should your observability stack cost? What should be in your observability stack? How much observability is enough? How...

Product Updates   Observability  

Diving into Data with Honeycomb: BubbleUp (formerly codename: Drilldown) is in Beta!

This blog miniseries talks about how to think about doing data analysis the Honeycomb way. In this episode, we announce an exciting new feature, currently...

Software Engineering   Product Updates   Observability  

The Core Analysis Loop, or: Heatmaps Make Analysis Better

In this blog miniseries, I'm talking about how to think about doing data analysis, the Honeycomb way. In Part I, I talked about how heatmaps...

Software Engineering   Observability   Dogfooding  

Heatmaps Make Ops Better

In this blog miniseries, I'd like to talk about how to think about doing data analysis "the Honeycomb way."  Welcome to part 1, where I...

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