
Category: Observability

OpenTelemetry   Observability  

What Is a Telemetry Pipeline?

In a simple deployment, an application will emit spans, metrics, and logs which will be sent to and show up in charts. This works...


5 Ways You Can Utilize Observability to Make Your Next Migration Easier

When people hear the word “migration,” they typically think about migrating from on-prem to the cloud. In reality, companies do migrations of varying types and...


Observing the Future: The Power of Observability During Development

Modern software development—where code is shipped fast and fixed quickly—simply can’t happen without building observability in before deployments happen. Teams need to see inside the...


5 Ways to Increase Release Velocity with Observability

The pressure on today’s development teams is real: innovate, release quickly, and then do it all again, only faster. Is it any surprise that studies...

Software Engineering   Observability  

5 Ways Honeycomb Saves Time, Money, and Sanity

If debugging has sucked the soul out of your engineers, we’ve got the answer: event-based observability. Instead of spending hours and resources trying to find...


Our Favorite #chArt

Heatmaps are a beautiful thing. So are charts. Even better is that sometimes, they end up producing unintentional—or intentional, in the case of our happy...

Technical Deep Dives   Observability  

Observable Frontends: the State of OpenTelemetry in the Browser

The modern standard for observability in backend systems is: distributed traces with OpenTelemetry, plus dynamic aggregations over these events. This works very well in the...

Observability   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Is There a Beginner’s Guide On How to Add Observability to Your Applications?

Dear Miss O11y, I want to make my microservices more observable. Currently, I only have logs. I’ll add metrics soon, but I’m not really sure...


Iterating Our Way Toward a Service Map

For a long time at Honeycomb, we envisioned using the tracing data you send us to generate a service map. If you’re unfamiliar, a service...

Teams & Collaboration   Observability  

Autocatalytic Adoption: Harnessing Patterns to Promote Honeycomb in Your Organization

When an organization signs up for Honeycomb at the Enterprise account level, part of their support package is an assigned Technical Customer Success Manager. As...

Observability   Logging  

Surface and Confirm Buggy Patterns in Your Logs Without Slow Search

Incidents happen. What matters is how they’re handled. Most organizations have a strategy in place that starts with log searches—and logs/log searching are great, but...

Observability   Connectors & Integrations  

Honeycomb, Meet Terraform

The best mechanism to combat proliferation of uncontrolled resources is to use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to create a common set of things that everyone...


Authors’ Cut Spark Notes Edition: Jumpstart Your Observability Journey

George Miranda, Liz Fong-Jones, and Charity Majors, held a series of live discussions called the Authors’ Cut to bring core concepts of the book to...

Sampling   Observability  

Author’s Cut—A Sample of Sampling, and a Whole Lot of Observability at Scale

In this post, we’re moving from the foundations of observability to things that become critical when you start practicing observability at scale. Tools like sampling...


Happy o11ydays!

As 2022 draws to a close, the Honeycomb team is getting ready to take some time to recharge our collective batteries and get ready for...

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