
Category: Service Level Objectives

Service Level Objectives   Customer Stories  

Driving Culture Change: Phorest's Observability Transformation

Phorest delivers a premier software solution that empowers their salon and spa business customers to thrive. Ensuring every engineer has access to an observability tool...

Service Level Objectives   Incident Response  

Alerts Are Fundamentally Messy

Good alerting hygiene consists of a few components: chasing down alert conditions, reflecting on incidents, and thinking of what makes a signal good or bad....

Service Level Objectives   Product Updates  

From Oops to Ops: SLOs Get Budget Rate Alerts

As someone living the Honeycomb ops life for a while, SLOs have been the bread and butter of our most critical and useful alerting. However,...

Service Level Objectives  

Alerting on the User Experience

When your alerts cover systems owned by different teams, who should be on call? We get this question a lot when talking about SLOs. We...

Service Level Objectives  

The Case for SLOs

With one key practice, it’s possible to help your engineers sleep more, reduce friction between engineering and management, and simplify your monitoring to save money....

Service Level Objectives  

Touching Grass With SLOs

One of the things that struck me upon joining Honeycomb was the seemingly laissez-faire approach we took towards internal SLOs. From my own research (beginning...

Service Level Objectives   Featured  

Authors’ Cut—Actionable SLOs Based on What Matters Most

SLOs—or Service Level Objectives—can be pretty powerful. They provide a safety net that helps teams identify and fix issues before they reach unacceptable levels and...

Service Level Objectives   Culture  

On Counting Alerts

A while ago, I wrote about how we track on-call health, and I heard from various people about how “expecting to be woken up” can...

Software Engineering   Service Level Objectives  

Exploring AWS Costs Beyond the Service Level

This post will talk about using a derived column to directly connect individual customer experiences to the cost of providing that service with AWS Lambda....

Service Level Objectives   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Pls ELI5 TLAs like PRO, SRE, and SLOs!

Dear Miss O11y, I'm confused by all of the Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) that have started popping up lately. This week, I got an email...

Service Level Objectives   Product Updates   Metrics  

Honeycomb Pro: Now With Metrics & SLOs

Honeycomb Pro is about to get even better. Starting today, all Pro accounts have access to Honeycomb Metrics and two Service Level Objectives (SLOs), previously...

Service Level Objectives   Sampling   Ask Miss O11y  

Ask Miss O11y: Load Testing With Fidelity

Dear Miss O11y, My developers and I can't agree about what the right approach is for running load tests in production. Should we even be...

Service Level Objectives  

Honeycomb Differentiators Series: SLOs That Tell the Whole Story

In the recent past, most engineering teams had a vague notion of what Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) were—mainly things that...

Service Level Objectives  

Shipping on a Spent Error Budget

Modern software services are expected to be highly available, and running a service with minimal interruptions requires a certain amount of reliability-focused engineering work. At...

Service Level Objectives   Dogfooding   Databases  

Data Availability Isn’t Observability

But it’s better than nothing... Most of the industry is racing to adopt better observability practices, and they’re discovering lots of power in being able...

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